
Sunday, 10 November 2013

County Head of Human Resource Management Jobs in Kenya

County Head of Human Resource Management Jobs in Kenya
The Officer will be responsible to the County Chief Officer – Public Service Management & ICT for planning, coordinating and administration of human resource activities.

Specific duties will include:
Establishing and operationalizing the human resource management function;
Carrying out staff audits; identifying gaps and purposing optimal staffing level in the County
Preparing the Budget for the HRM Function;
Ensuring correct interpretation of human resource policies, rules, regulations, labour laws and other relevant statutes;
Establishing performance management systems;
Ensuring compliance with public service values and principles in the county;
Establishing records, management systems; and organizing for
transfer of all human resource record from both national and local authorities;
Preparation of Human resource transition reports; and
Performing any other duties as assigned. for latest jobs in kenya always JobsinKenyan Blog

Requirements for Appointment
Have a Bachelor’s degree in any of the following: Commerce (Human Resource option), Social Sciences or any other relevant and comparable qualification from a recognized university.
Relevant working experience of not less than five years.

ALL Applicants should attach a detailed curriculum vitae, three referees, and copies of academic and professional certificates, a copy of a National Identity Card or Passport and other relevant supporting documents.
The position applied for should be indicated on TOP of the envelope.
Applications should be addressed to:
The Secretary/CEO,
County Public Service Board
Isiolo County
P.O Box 224 – 60300
Manual applications should be delivered to office of the secretary, County Public Service Board located at Ardhi House next to Isiolo Law Courts, Isiolo Town.
The application should reach the Secretary County Public Service Board not later than Friday 22nd November, 2013. Isiolo County is an equal opportunity employer: women, marginalized and persons with disability are encouraged to apply.

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